About the Authors

Sam Freshman has dedicated his professional life to being an attorney, banker, business owner, real estate developer, investor, author, and lecturer. He has been Adjunct Professor of Real Estate Law at the Graduate School of Business at University of Southern California. He has lectured extensively on real estate investments at Stanford University, Pepperdine University, University of Southern California, University of California Los Angeles, Bar Associations and CPA Societies.
In 1961, he formed Standard Management Co., which has sponsored hundreds of millions of dollars of investments in real estate projects throughout the country. His book Principles of Real Estate Syndication (3rd edition, 2006, Beverly Hills Publishing Co.) is considered the landmark work on the subject and carries more than twenty “five-star” reviews on Amazon.com.
In recent years, he has devoted a substantial portion of his time to mentoring graduate students and young professionals. He has become an expert on behavioral attitudes that create success. Attendees of his seminars pay up to $5,000 to hear him speak and consult with him. Sam has four daughters and seven grandchildren and lives with his wife Ardyth in Beverly Hills, California.
You can find out more about Sam at http://www.standardmanagement.com/

Heidi Clingen has a twenty-five-year background in journalism, editing and writing. Her journalistic experience includes staff titles and editor positions at fashion trade and consumer publications including The Apparel News Group in Los Angeles and The Wall Street Journal in New York, where she received a Dow Jones Foundation Fellowship. Heidi holds a bachelor's degree in journalism, magna cum laude, from San Francisco State University; a certificate in grant writing from The Grantsmanship Center Institute in Los Angeles; and a certificate in screenwriting from University of California, Los Angeles.
Heidi has two sons and lives with her husband Bill in Valencia, California. You can find out more about Heidi at 2Heidi@allwritey.com