Thursday, November 11, 2010

Caring Builds Success and Keeps You Passionate

Someone may have asked you this question at some time in your life. The truth is, yes, sometimes it does hurt to care. Caring takes involvement. Passion takes energy. There is always a risk that our emotions could be abused. If you are in a profession or a personal situation in which you need to give a lot of caring, be careful with your emotional energy. You may need to take frequent breaks and protect yourself from burnout.

Heidi: Sometimes it feels like I care too much. Then it hurts when I feel unappreciated. When that happens, I know I need to take a break and get a fresh sense of perspective and recharge my emotional batteries.

Sam: Caring is essential to accomplishment. It fosters the discipline to focus on goals. You must have a high sense of care about results and take the pain of risks. But you also need to step back from time to time to see if you are putting your efforts toward the most profitable direction.

So…would it hurt you to care?

 James Allen, the author of As a Man Thinketh, wrote, “…man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny."  If you haven’t found what makes you passionate about your life, you’ll find it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. Find genuine satisfaction in productive, meaningful effort. Find what you are passionate about, and your attitude will change.
Heidi: Writing our books makes me passionate. I’m much happier when I get to do things that have meaning.

Sam: When you attitude changes, your behavior changes. When your behavior changes, your life changes. It’s as simple as that. The quality of our thoughts equals the quality of our lives.
            So…what makes you passionate?

 (Written by Samuel K. Freshman and Heidi Clingen, authors of TheSmartestWay™ to Succeed Series and TheSmartestWay™ to Save—Why You Can’t Hang on to Money and What to Do About It.)

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